Wednesday, March 12, 2014

the known

Why do we love the known
doesn't it drive you crazy
isn't it just the same thing
and don't you feel trapped

what if your wrong? what if the whole world is wrong?
does it scare you to think that all you've ever known is not true
does it scare you that crazy people could be the sane ones
if what you thought was right turns out to be wrong,
do you ignore it or do you follow the new path?

That's what happens when someone tricks you
when someone has your trust and breaks it
when what you thought was impossible suddenly happens
doesn't it just destroy you?
it hurts that your trust was broken by someone
does it hurt more that you never saw this comming
that everything you knew was wrong

What if your wrong about just one thing?
the "average" or c in school means that you were wrong 1/4 times
are people really wrong that often?
if that's true then what is the world, I don't even know the whole picture
I'm wrong about what I do know
What are you wrong about? should you care or does that just cause problems?

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